General informations

Following the success of the two previous editions, we are organizing a third edition of the Ifremer PhD students' seminar on the use and place of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in research in Nantes.

This event, organized by Ifremer's PhD students, has already brought together around a hundred participants each year for oral presentations and roundtables discussions. Thanks to the feedback from more than 130 people who responded to the questionnaire for the seminar's organization, we have been able to tailor it to your expectations. Therefore, this year, we also invite you to participate in our workshops on the use of AI tools.

This day is open to anyone interested in AI in research, applications, limits and ethical aspects.

See you on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at Ifremer's Atlantic Center in Nantes.

Registration is free. Participation in the workshops is subject to registration.

Day registration: until October 07

Workshop registration: until September 27



Program (preview)

8h45-9h05: Welcome

9h05-9h15: Introduction

9h15-10h15: Session - Fundamental concepts and applications

  • Presentation #1: Introduction of the IA  - Jean-Luc Parouty - 30 min
  • Presentation #2: Applications, advantages and disadvantages of AI - Vincent Lostanlen - 30 min

10h15-10h45: Coffee break


  • Round Table #1: Democratizing AI: applications, limits and practical challenges - Jean-Luc Parouty, Vincent Lostanlen, Damien Bouda, Harold Mouchere - Moderator: Dounia Saez 1h30

12h15-14h00: Lunch break

2:00-3:30 pm: Session - Ethical aspects

  • Presentation #3: Ethics around AI and data management - Marie Potus - 30 min
  • Round table #2: Discussions on ethics in the use of AI - Giulia Anichini, Marie Potus, Marie-Julie Catoir Brisson - Moderator: Dounia Saez 1h

3:30 pm - 4:00 pm: Coffee break

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm: Workshops

                         - Putting AI tools into practice - led by FIDLE - 1h30


                         - Demonstration of the In'Obs project: Deep Learning image recognition of fish - led by Vincent BADTS - 1h30

17h35: Closing ceremony



Dr. Jean-luc PAROUTY - CNRS Research Engineer - SIMAP (Grenoble)

Dr. Vincent LOSTANLEN - CNRS Researcher - LS2N (Nantes)

Dr. Damien BOUDA - Radiologist - Clinique Jules Verne (Nantes)

Pr. Harold MOUCHERE - Professor Nantes University - LS2N (Nantes)

Dr. Marie POTUS - Lecturer at the University of Franche-Comté - Centre de recherches juridiques (Besançon)

Dr. Giulia ANICHINI - Researcher Nantes University - Centre François Viète: Epistemology, History of Science and Technology (Nantes)

Dr. Marie-Julie CATOIR BRISSON - Associate Professor Audencia (Nantes)

Vincent BADTS - Fisheries Information System Engineer - IFREMER (Nantes)


Dounia SAEZ - Editor-in-chief at Labo des savoirs, president of Café des Sciences, co-founder of Double Science

Steering commitee

The organizing committee for the Ifremer doctoral students' seminar is made up entirely of Ifremer doctoral students.

This year's committee is made up of :

Flora Marteau (1st year PhD, unit Microbiology Food Health Environment - MASAE)

Laura Pageault (3rd year PhD, unit Physiology and toxins of toxic and harmful microalgae - PHYTOX)

Lou Patron (1st year PhD, unit Physiology and toxins of toxic and harmful microalgae - PHYTOX)

Valérie Perez (1st year PhD, unit Microbiology Food Health Environment - MASAE)

Tyméa Perret (2nd year PhD, unit Marine hazards - ALMA)

Maëlann Roger (1st year PhD, unit Chemical Contamination of Marine Ecosystems - CCEM)

Ninon Serre (2nd year PhD, unit Chemical Contamination of Marine Ecosystems - CCEM)



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